
Talk is cheap! Show me some code!

Have a look in Cookbook - How to Get Started too!

Some examples are located in examples/ directory. And there are convenient Makefile targets to call them, just use your Bash autocomplete when typing make example<TAB>:

1: Python to Erlang

Demonstrates how Python node can actively find a running Erlang node and connect to it by attempting to send a message.

Running (in two terminal tabs):

  • Start Erlang node with erl -name erl@ -setcookie COOKIE.

  • (optional) Register your shell process as shell by executing in the Erlang shell: erlang:register(shell, self()).

  • make example1 - will start a node at py@ and using cookie COOKIE will try to connect to Erlang running at erl@;

  • (optional) Check whether Erlang shell received hello by typing flush().

2: Erlang to Python

Demonstrates how to run a named process on Python node. Erlang node will try and send message to it by name.

  • make example2 - will register a process as my_process and you can send messages to it by name from Erlang;

  • Start Erlang node with erl -name erl@ -setcookie COOKIE.

  • In Erlang shell try send something to my_process like this: {my_process, 'py@'} ! {hello, 123, [<<"test">>, self()]}.

  • In Python terminal tab observe log message about incoming data.

3 & 4: Calling/Batch Python

Examples are .erl files which demonstrate how remote notebook-style calls and batch calls will work with Erlang and Python.

  • make pynode (same as make example2) to get a running Python node.

  • make example3 or make example4 and observe what it prints.

10: Elixir and GenServer

This example will demonstrate how to accept gen_server:call in your Python Process.

Running (in two terminal tabs):

  • make example10a - will start Python part of Example 10 and start a GenServer example;

  • make example10b - will start Elixir part of Example 10 and perform 2 gen_server:call's

  • In Elixir terminal tab observe results for 1st and 2nd calls.


Some examples require a client and a server, these have two parts: example A and example B.